Monday, October 20, 2008

Betta Splendens

Siamese Fighting Fish-do they really fight???
Yes, male bettas will fight another male betta. They are usually fine with other non-aggressive types of fish, but never mix two males! But it is very interesting to show a male betta his reflection or a picture of another betta. He will put on quite a show for you! My betta was doing this tonight as I showed him pictures of other bettas. He flared his fins and puffed up his gills. He looked like a dragon! They are very beautiful fish!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Chinese Algae Eater

Last week my Chinese algae eater died. I have had him since August of 2003. This is longer than most fishes stick around! He was fairly small when I got him but eventually grew to be about 5 inches or so. He quickly devoured algae, cleaning the tank up in no time, when he was small. When he got bigger he didn't want to eat algae anymore. He would eat fish food or algae pellets. He was a fish with a mind of his owe... He would stare at me like he was mad or something! My mom said he looked like he belonged in a river. He was a semi-aggressive fish. He was usually okay, but as he got bigger it got worse. When he was still small, I looked into the tank one day; he was no where to be found! I looked all over the tank. Finally I looked in the filter. There he was, looking mad that we discovered him! He apparently swam against the current and into the filter looking for something delicious to eat!
He was an interesting fish. He survived a lot. I kept him in many, many different tanks over the years. When I got him I had no idea what I was getting into! I have enjoyed having him though, I'm not ready to get another one...