Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lots of babies...

I have lots of babies now. I think I have around 60 black mollies that are about an inch long. I also have several batches of baby Velvet Red Swordtails. I am not sure exactly but I think I may have around 70. I really enjoy watching the tiny little fish grow bigger, and bigger. I was never able to have baby bettas. The male would build a buble nest but the parents would fight and ruin the nest and I never got them to spawn (lay eggs). So I'm a little dissapointed about that, but it would have been hard to care for all those babies I imagine. Bettas do not always get along, especially the males who will kill each other, so I would have had to have several hundred containers to keep all the babies in once they got bigger. That would have been hard. I do enjoy the baby livebearers though.